Create and Manage Catalogs


Buy with Prime API is now available for early access

Sign up for early access to the Buy with Prime API using the 'Sign Up' button below. The API may change as Amazon receives feedback and iterates on it.

Before you can offer Buy with Prime, you must populate a Buy with Prime catalog with products. You can upload products to your catalog in two ways:

You can also create new products, update existing products, or delete products from the catalog. For details, see Create and Manage Products in a Catalog. After you create products, you can query and retrieve information associated with those products. For details, see Query a Catalog.

API operations

You use the following mutations, queries, and events to create and manage catalogs.


createCatalogFeedCreates a catalog feed, which represents a bulk data import operation of Buy with Prime products.
createUploadLinkGets a temporary upload URL for uploading a catalog feed file. After the file is uploaded, you can pass the returned fileId to other Buy with Prime API operations to further process the uploaded file.
createProductCreate a new product within your Buy With Prime catalog.
updateProductUpdate an existing product in your Buy With Prime catalog.
deleteProductDelete an existing product from your Buy With Prime catalog.


catalogFeedGets a catalog feed, which represents a bulk data import operation of Buy with Prime products.
downloadLinkGets a temporary URL that you use to download files using file IDs returned by Buy with Prime operations such as the catalogFeed query.
inventoryItemGets an inventory item by using a Buy With Prime inventory identifier.
productReturns a product, which holds the product identifier mapping between an e-commerce platform and Amazon's fulfillment systems.
productsReturns a ProductConnection, which holds a list of edges that contain a product. For details about edges, see Pagination in the GraphQL documentation.


EventWhen Event is Published
BUYABILITY_CHANGEDAn item that was previously eligible for Buy with Prime is no longer eligible for Buy with Prime, or vice versa.
INVENTORY_CHANGEDAn item's inventory level changes or an item has an error that requires merchant action.

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