Create and Manage Orders


Buy with Prime API is now available for early access

Sign up for early access to the Buy with Prime API using the 'Sign Up' button below. The API may change as Amazon receives feedback and iterates on it.

Buy with Prime orders are sets of purchases that shoppers create. You can create, update, or query orders. For details, see:

API operations

You use the following mutations, queries, and events to create and manage orders.


createOrderCreates a Buy with Prime order.
updateOrderUpdates an existing Buy with Prime order.


orderGets a Buy with Prime order.


EventWhen Event is Published
DELIVERY_CANCELLEDOne or more items were successfully cancelled from the specified order prior to delivery.
DELIVERY_COMPLETEDOne or more items were delivered to their destination.
DELIVERY_IN_TRANSITOne or more items in the specified order were fulfilled by Amazon.
REFUND_REQUESTEDThere is a request to issue a refund for one or more items.
RETURN_COMPLETEDA return that was initiated earlier was successfully completed.
RETURN_STARTEDA return of one or more purchased items was successfully initiated.

Where to start

To create an order, call the createOrder mutation. For details, see Create a Buy with Prime Order.

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