Process Returns
Buy with Prime API is now available for early access
Sign up for early access to the Buy with Prime API using the 'Sign Up' button below. The API may change as Amazon receives feedback and iterates on it.
After a Buy with Prime order is delivered, you can create Buy with Prime returns for eligible items within the Buy with Prime merchant console, and shoppers can create returns within the online returns center.
An order with multiple items or multiple quantities of the same item can be associated with multiple returns. For example, you or the shopper can create different returns for each item separately, partial quantities of the same item, and different items at different points in time.
You use return events to know when to take action on return requests, for example to know when to update your order management system or issue a refund. For details, see Steps to Process Returns.
On your site's product detail pages, search pages, checkout pages, and order detail pages, you can show whether an item is eligible for return by displaying reversal offers. For details, see Get Reversal Offers.
API operations
You use the following mutations, queries, and events to process returns.
Name | Description |
reversalOffers | Provides a reversal offer for a given Buy with Prime product. For examples, see Get Reversal Offers. |
order | Gets a Buy with Prime order, in which you can see the returns associated with an order. With this information, you can update the return details in your order management system. For more information, see Get Return Details and Steps to Process Returns. |
Event | When Event is Published |
RETURN_COMPLETED | Represents that a Buy with Prime return that was initiated earlier was successfully completed. |
RETURN_DELIVERY_COMPLETED | Represents that a returned Buy with Prime item was delivered to the fulfillment center. |
RETURN_DELIVERY_FAILED | Represents that a returned Buy with Prime item failed to be delivered to the fulfillment center. |
RETURN_DELIVERY_IN_TRANSIT | Represents that a returned Buy with Prime item was dropped off at the carrier location. |
RETURN_ITEM_GRADED | Represents that the grading of a returned Buy with Prime item at the fulfillment center is complete. |
RETURN_STARTED | Represents that a return of one or more purchased Buy with Prime items was successfully initiated. |
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Updated 8 days ago