Event Types
Buy with Prime API is now available for early access
Sign up for early access to the Buy with Prime API using the 'Sign Up' button below. The API may change as Amazon receives feedback and iterates on it.
You can subscribe to receive the following Buy with Prime events.
For details about how to subscribe to events, see Steps to Subscribe to Buy with Prime Events.
Event | When Event is Published |
BUYABILITY_CHANGED | An item that was previously eligible for Buy with Prime is no longer eligible for Buy with Prime, or vice versa. |
DELIVERY_CANCELLED | One or more items were successfully cancelled from the specified order. |
DELIVERY_COMPLETED | One or more items were delivered to their destination. |
DELIVERY_IN_TRANSIT | One or more items in the specified order were shipped. |
INVENTORY_CHANGED | An item's inventory level changes or an item has an error that requires merchant action. |
ITEM_CANCELLED | One or more items were successfully cancelled from the specified order prior to delivery. Note: This event is the same as the DELIVERY_CANCELLED event. We recommend that you use the DELIVERY_CANCELLED event instead. |
ITEM_DELIVERED | One or more items were delivered to their destination. Note: This event is the same as the DELIVERY_COMPLETED event. We recommend that you use the DELIVERY_COMPLETED event instead. |
ITEM_IN_TRANSIT | One or more items in the specified order were fulfilled by Amazon fulfillment. Note: This event is the same as the DELIVERY_IN_TRANSIT event. We recommend that you use the DELIVERY_IN_TRANSIT event instead. |
PERSONAL_DATA_DELETION_TASK_COMPLETED | A data deletion request completed. |
PERSONAL_DATA_DELETION_TASK_FAILED | A data deletion request failed. |
PERSONAL_DATA_RETRIEVAL_TASK_COMPLETED | A data retrieval request completed. The data is ready for you to download. |
PERSONAL_DATA_RETRIEVAL_TASK_FAILED | A data retrieval request failed. |
REFUND_REQUESTED | There is a request to issue a refund for one or more items. |
RETURN_COMPLETED | A return that was initiated earlier was successfully completed. |
RETURN_DELIVERY_COMPLETED | A returned Buy with Prime item was delivered to the fulfillment center. |
RETURN_DELIVERY_FAILED | A returned Buy with Prime item failed to be delivered to the fulfillment center. |
RETURN_DELIVERY_IN_TRANSIT | A returned Buy with Prime item was dropped off at the carrier location. |
RETURN_ITEM_GRADED | The grading of a returned Buy with Prime item at the fulfillment center is complete. |
RETURN_STARTED | A return of one or more purchased items was successfully initiated. |
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Updated 8 days ago
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