Update Refund Details


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As you process Buy with Prime refunds, you must update the associated Buy with Prime order with the latest information. For a given refund, you typically call the Buy with Prime updateOrder mutation multiple times. For details, see Steps to Process Refunds.

The following table shows the refund state values that you can set on your next call to updateOrder given the current refund state. For details about processing refunds, see Steps to Process Refunds.

Current refund stateAllowable states you can use when you update a Buy with Prime refund

The following examples show how to update the refund details of an order.

Update refund details and set the refund state to PARTIAL

After you initiate a refund payment in your order management system, you must update the Buy with Prime order with the amount that was refunded to the customer. The following example request indicates that $4 of a requested $10 refund has been initiated. For details, see Steps to Process Refunds.

// GraphQL mutation mutation updateOrder { updateOrder( input: { orderId: "example-order-id" refunds: { details: [ { id: "refund-123" aliases: [ { aliasType: "EXTERNAL_REFUND_ID" aliasId: "your-oms-refund-id" } ] refundTotal: { totalAmount: { amount: 4, currencyCode: "USD" } } state: PARTIAL refundFor: { orderLineItems: [ { lineItemId: { lineItemId: "example-line-item-id" } } ] } paymentDetails: [ { id: "example-payment-transfer-id-1" amount: { amount: 4, currencyCode: "USD" } paymentMethod: { displayString: "Visa ending in 1234" type: AMAZON_PAY } state: SUCCESS ... Payment details ... } ] } ] } } ) { id } }
{ "data": { "updateOrder": { "id": "example-order-id" } } }

Update refund details and set the refund state to SUCCESS

The following sample request updates a refund that was previously $4 with another $6. The request sets the refund state to SUCCESS because the total refund amount ($10) is complete.

// GraphQL mutation mutation updateOrder { updateOrder( input: { orderId: "example-order-id" refunds: { details: [ { id: "refund-123" aliases: [ { aliasType: "EXTERNAL_REFUND_ID" aliasId: "your-oms-refund-id" } ] refundTotal: { totalAmount: { amount: 10, currencyCode: "USD" } } state: SUCCESS refundFor: { orderLineItems: [ { lineItemId: { lineItemId: "product-123" } } ] } paymentDetails: [ { id: "payment-transfer-id-2" amount: { amount: 6, currencyCode: "USD" } paymentMethod: { displayString: "Visa ending in 1234" type: AMAZON_PAY } state: SUCCESS ...Payment details... } ] } ] } } ) { id } }
{ "data": { "updateOrder": { "id": "example-order-id" } } }

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