Display Prime Benefit Cards


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A Prime benefit card is an element of the Buy with Prime UI library that displays item-level information such as the item’s eligibility for Buy with Prime and a delivery estimate. You can display Prime benefit cards in cart or checkout pages.

Before a shopper signs in, the Prime benefit card displays a Prime badge that indicates that the item is eligible for Buy with Prime. After a Prime member signs in, the Prime benefit card displays a Prime badge, a delivery estimate, and an indication that returns are free. If the signed-in shopper isn't a Prime member or the item isn't eligible for Buy with Prime, the Prime benefit card isn't rendered.

Examples in this topic use the following sample data.

Sample Buyability
const buyability = { status: "BUYABLE", }
Sample Reversal Offer Response
const reversalOffers = { id: "example-reversal-offer-id", expiresAt: "2024-02-07T19:24:28.572312Z", reversalItemOffers: [ { item: { id: { __typename: "SkuReversalItemIdentifier", value: "example-sku-1", } }, summary: { title: "Eligible for Return", description: "This item can be returned in its original condition for a full refund within 30 days of receipt.", } } ] };
Sample Shopper Buy with Prime Eligibility Response
const shopperBwPEligibility = { shopperId: "example-shopper-id", bwpEligibilityStatus: "PRIME", }
Sample Delivery Preview Response
const deliveryPreview = { id: "example-delivery-preview-id", deliveryGroups: [ {id: "example-delivery-group-id", deliveryOffers: [ { id: "example-delivery-offer-id", date: { earliest: "2023-12-08T04:00:00Z", latest:"2023-12-08T04:00:00Z" }, policy:{ messaging: { messageText: "Tomorrow, Mar 4", locale: "en-US", badge: "PRIME" } }, "expiresAt":null }] } ] }

The following image shows a Prime benefit card for a signed-in Prime member and an item that is returnable.

Example Code
// Import the pni-web-components.js in your HTML file <script type="module" src="/path/to/pni-web-components.js"></script> //...Other HTML //Place the web component where desired <script> document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { const primeBenefitCard = document.createElement('prime-benefit-card'); primeBenefitCard.isShopperPrime = true primeBenefitCard.isItemBuyable = true; primeBenefitCard.isItemRetunable = true; primeBenefitCard.deliveryOffer = [{ message: deliveryPreview.deliveryGroups[0].deliveryOffers[0].policy.messaging.messageText, errorCode: null }]; document.body.appendChild(primeBenefitCard); }); </script> // ...Other HTML
// YourReactComponent.jsx import { PrimeBadgeReact } from "/path/to/pni-react-components.js"; function YourReactComponent() { return ( <div> {/* Place the PrimeBadgeReact component where desired, passing the props */} <PrimeBadgeReact isShopperPrime=true isItemBuyable=true isItemRetunable=true deliveryOffer = {message: "Tomorrow, Mar 4", errorCode: null} /> </div> ); } export default YourReactComponent;

The following image shows a Prime benefit card for a signed-in Prime member and an item that isn't returnable.

Example Code
<prime-benefit-card id="prime-authenticated-nonReturnable-delivery-offers-badge"></prime-benefit-card> <script> const authenticatedNonreturnableWithDeliveryOfferBadge = document.getElementById('prime-authenticated-nonReturnable-delivery-offers-badge'); authenticatedNonreturnableWithDeliveryOfferBadge.deliveryOffer = { message: 'Tomorrow, Mar 4' }; authenticatedNonreturnableWithDeliveryOfferBadge.isShopperPrime = true; authenticatedNonreturnableWithDeliveryOfferBadge.isItemBuyable = true; authenticatedNonreturnableWithDeliveryOfferBadge.isItemReturnable = false; </script>

The following image shows a Prime benefit card for a signed-in Prime member and an item for which the delivery estimate is intended but invalid.

Example Code
<prime-benefit-card id="prime-authenticated-invalid-delivery-offers-badge"></prime-benefit-card> <script> const authenticatedWithInvalidAddressBadge = document.getElementById('prime-authenticated-invalid-delivery-offers-badge'); authenticatedWithInvalidAddressBadge.deliveryOffer = { errorCode: 'InvalidDestination' }; authenticatedWithInvalidAddressBadge.isShopperPrime = true; authenticatedWithInvalidAddressBadge.isItemBuyable = true; authenticatedWithInvalidAddressBadge.isItemReturnable = true; </script>

The following image shows a Prime benefit card for a shopper who isn't signed in for an item that is returnable.

Example Code
<prime-benefit-card isShopperPrime isItemBuyable isItemReturnable></prime-benefit-card>

The following image shows a Prime benefit card for a shopper who isn't signed in for an item that isn't returnable.

Example Code
<prime-benefit-card id="prime-authenticated-nonReturnable-badge"></prime-benefit-card> <script> const authenticatedNonreturnableBadge = document.getElementById('prime-authenticated-nonReturnable-badge'); authenticatedNonreturnableBadge.isShopperPrime = true; authenticatedNonreturnableBadge.isItemBuyable = true; authenticatedNonreturnableBadge.isItemReturnable = false; </script>

The following image shows a Prime benefit card for a shopper who isn't signed in for an item that offers Buy with Prime.

Example Code
<prime-benefit-card isItemBuyable></prime-benefit-card>

The following image shows a Prime benefit card for a shopper who isn't signed in for an item that offers Buy with Prime, but the returnability isn't shown.

Example Code
<prime-benefit-card isShopperPrime isItemBuyable></prime-benefit-card>

The following image shows a Prime benefit card rendering the loading icon.

Example Code
<prime-benefit-card loading></prime-benefit-card>

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