
Version 2024-11-01



The Buy with Prime API is offered as a preview and might change as we receive feedback and iterate on the interfaces. We are sharing this early documentation to help you learn about the Buy with Prime API as we write and iterate on the content.


Details of a return.


aliases ([Alias])

A list of aliases that are associated with this return. This could include unique identifier of the return in merchant's store or display Id in the return of the merchant store.

The total number of aliases associated with a return are limited to 2.

createdAt (String)

The Date Time in ISO 8601 format when the return was created.

id (ID required)

Unique identifier for the return.

returnDeliveryDetails ([ReturnDeliveryDetails])

DeprecatedUse returnPackageDetails instead

(Deprecated) A list of return deliveries.

returnFor (ReturnFor)

Captures the association to entities against which this return is created.

returnLineItems ([ReturnLineItem])

A list of return line items.

returnPackageDetails ([ReturnPackageDetails])

A list of return package which include rma, return label(s), return instructions etc.

state (String required)

Indicates the state of the return. The value is constrained to one of the following

DRAFTReturn is getting negotiated
CREATEDReturn is created and in-progress
CANCELLEDReturn is cancelled (Only applicable for external returns)
COMPLETEDReturn is completed
updatedAt (String)

The Date Time in ISO 8601 format when the return was last updated.

expiresAt (String)

The Date Time in ISO 8601 format when the return expires.

refundTerm (RefundTerm)

Refund Policy terms associated with the return.

returnDeliveryGroups ([ReturnDeliveryGroup])

Return delivery groups.

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