Troubleshoot Return Errors
Buy with Prime API is now available for early access
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This topic describes errors that you can encounter when you Process Returns.
Errors getting reversal offers
The following errors can occur when you call the reversalOffers
Error Type | Error Code | Description | Suggested Action |
AccessDeniedError | N/A | You don't have sufficient access to perform this action. | Ensure that your access token has permission to access this information, and retry the call. For details, see Authenticate to the Buy with Prime API. |
InternalServerError | N/A | Unexpected error during request processing. | None. This is a server-side error. |
ThrottlingError | N/A | User made too many requests to the Buy with Prime API. | Send the request again using exponential backoff. |
ValidationError | ItemDoesNotExist | The requested item doesn't exist in your Buy with Prime catalog. | Ensure that the requested item is in your catalog. |
Errors adding and updating external returns
The following errors can occur when you call the updateOrder
to add or update an external return in an order.
Error Type | Error Code | Description | Suggested Action |
AccessDeniedError | N/A | You don't have sufficient access to perform this action. | Ensure that your access token has permission to access this information, and retry the call. For details, see Authenticate to the Buy with Prime API. |
InternalServerError | N/A | Unexpected error during request processing. | None. This is a server-side error. |
ThrottlingError | N/A | User made too many requests to the Buy with Prime API. | Send the request again using exponential backoff. |
ValidationError | AliasLimitExceeded | You provided more than two aliases for a return. | Ensure that you provide at most two aliases for a return. |
ValidationError | AliasValueAlreadyExists | You provided an aliasId that is already associated with another return for the same order. | Ensure that the aliasId that you provide for a return isn't already associated with other returns present in the order. |
ValidationError | DuplicateAliasId | You attempted to add or update multiple returns within the same request, and one or more returns have the same aliasId . | Ensure that the aliasId that you provide for a return is unique. |
ValidationError | InvalidReturnId | Invalid return ID or alias. | Make sure that the return ID or alias that you provide is valid and that you provide either a return ID or an alias, not both. |
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Updated about 23 hours ago