Integrate with Buy with Prime
Buy with Prime API is now available for early access
Sign up for early access to the Buy with Prime API using the 'Sign Up' button below. The API may change as Amazon receives feedback and iterates on it.
To integrate with Buy with Prime, take the following steps.
Step 1: Fulfill the prerequisites
To use Buy with Prime, ensure that your organization meets the prerequisites.
Step 2: Integrate with Login with Amazon or Amazon Pay
To identify the shopper and verify that they are a Prime member, you can use Login with Amazon (LWA) or Amazon Pay.
For details about integrating with Login with Amazon, see Use Login with Amazon for Shopper Identity.
For details about integrating with Amazon Pay, see Use Amazon Pay for Shopper Identity.
Step 3: Configure your inventory
Before you can offer Buy with Prime, you must populate the Buy with Prime catalog with products. You can add products to your Buy with Prime catalog in the following two ways:
- You can upload a CSV file that contains your product information, which supports up to 15,000 products per upload. For examples, see Upload a Catalog.
- You can upload products one by one. For examples, see Create and Manage Products in a Catalog.
You can also create new products, update existing products, or delete products from the catalog. After you create products, you can query and retrieve information associated with those products. For details, see Create and Manage Catalogs.
Step 4: Subscribe to and process events
Buy with Prime publishes events when the state of underlying resources change. To subscribe to events, see Steps to Subscribe to Buy with Prime events. For a list of events that you can subscribe to, see Event Types.
Ensure that Buy with Prime events trigger actions in your order management system. For example:
Capture payments when an item is shipped.
Initiate refunds when you receive refund events. For details, see Steps to Process Refunds.
Sync return information and initiate refunds when you receive return events. For details, see Steps to Process Returns.
Update your order management system to reflect Buy with Prime inventory changes.
Update your order management system to reflect Buy with Prime buyability status updates.
Step 5: Integrate Buy with Prime into the pre-checkout experience
To integrate Buy with Prime into the pre-checkout experience, do the following:
Create Delivery Previews to determine whether the customer is a Prime member and generate delivery previews for all line items in the checkout.
Process Returns to determine return eligibility for all variants of your products that are eligible for Buy with Prime.
Subscribe to Events to receive updates so that you can reflect Prime buyability and inventory in your product landing pages, product detail pages, and home page.
Step 6: Integrate Buy with Prime into the checkout experience
To integrate Buy with Prime into the checkout experience, do the following:
- Create Delivery Previews to determine whether the customer is a Prime member and generate delivery previews for all line items in the checkout.
- Store buyer details and Buy with Prime delivery estimates for line items in the storefront backend.
Step 7: Integrate Buy with Prime into the order placement experience
Create and Manage Orders to construct order creation requests for the following scenarios:
- For a basic order.
- For an order with promotions.
- For an order with different tax settings.
- For an order with Prime and non-Prime items in the cart.
- For an order with only non-Prime items (from order management system directly).
Step 8: Integrate Buy with Prime into the post-order experience
To integrate Buy with Prime into the post-order experience, use the following interfaces:
Create and Manage Orders to trigger fulfillment, update refund status, and update order attributes after placing the order.
Subscribe to Events the receive post-order events so that you can update the order management state appropriately on your end.
Step 9: Integrate Buy with Prime into privacy request handling
Upon receiving privacy requests from a shopper, you must address the request in all data stores. For data in your Buy with Prime account, you can Retrieve and Delete Shopper Data.
Step 10: Add analytics
Get Analytics Reports to track e-commerce user event to gain insight into shopper behavior, and to view Buy with Prime fees charged for orders.
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Updated 6 days ago