Buy with Prime API is now available for early access
Sign up for early access to the Buy with Prime API using the 'Sign Up' button below. The API may change as Amazon receives feedback and iterates on it.
event is published when a return of one or more purchased items was successfully initiated.
Typically, this event is a result of a customer initiating a return through the Buy with Prime user interface. The following examples are ways that you might use this event:
- To enable customer service agents to see that a customer successfully initiated a self-service return, so that they can give the customer accurate information if the customer reaches out by phone or email.
- To enable developers to update their order management system and all of the downstream systems. Examples of downstream systems are analytics and reporting on business performance, accounting for remitting taxes, customer service agents helping customers who reach out, and so on.
- To enable eCommerce managers to see how many customers attempt to return items through the self-service flow with Amazon, so that they can fix any problems customer might have in the return process.
For details on the schema and fields of an event, see Subscribe to Events.
Required permission
To subscribe to this event, your API credentials must have at least Read Order permission. You choose permissions when you generate your API credentials. For details, see Authenticate to the Buy with Prime API.
Handling the event
When you receive this event, you typically query the order to fetch more information about which products the shopper is returning. For details, see Steps to Process Returns.
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Updated 1 day ago