Troubleshoot Catalog Errors


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This topic explains possible errors that you can encounter when you work with the Buy with Prime Catalog interface.

Catalog feed errors

You can encounter the following errors when you upload your catalog by using a catalog feed. For examples of working with catalog feeds, see Upload a Catalog and Get the Result of a Catalog Upload.

Errors creating an upload link

The following errors can occur when you call the createUploadLink mutation.

Error TypeError CodeDescriptionSuggested Action
AccessDeniedErrorN/AYou don't have sufficient access to perform this action.Ensure that your access token has permission to access this information, and retry the call. For details, see Authenticate to the Buy with Prime API.
InternalServerErrorN/AUnexpected error during request processing.None. This is a server-side error.
ThrottlingErrorN/AUser made too many requests to the Buy with Prime API.Send the request again using exponential backoff.

Errors uploading a catalog feed file

The following HTTP errors can occur when you upload your catalog feed file to the presigned URL that you created by using the createUploadLink mutation.

Error TypeError CodeDescriptionSuggested Action
N/ASignatureDoesNotMatchYou attempted to upload a file with a different size than you specified when you created the presigned URL by using the createUploadLink mutation.Call createUploadLink with the correct size of the file that you want to upload, and then upload the file at the new presigned URL.
N/AAccessDeniedYou attempted to upload a file to an expired presigned URL.Call createUploadLink to get a new presigned URL and then make sure you upload the file to the presigned URL within 15 minutes.

Errors starting catalog feed processing

The following errors can occur when you call the createCatalogFeed mutation to start catalog feed processing.

Error TypeError CodeDescriptionSuggested Action
AccessDeniedErrorN/AYou don't have sufficient access to perform this action.Ensure that your access token has permission to access this information, and retry the call. For details, see Authenticate to the Buy with Prime API.
InternalServerErrorN/AUnexpected error during request processing.None. This is a server-side error.
ThrottlingErrorN/AYou can't submit a new catalog feed operation when you have an ongoing catalog feed operation.Wait for the ongoing createCatalogFeed operation to complete. The createCatalogFeed operation processes one row of product details approximately every 500 ms. Based on the maximum limit of 15,000 product rows, a createCatalogFeed operation is expected to finish in a maximum of 125 minutes.

Errors getting the catalog feed

The following errors can occur when you call the catalogFeed query to get the status of a catalog feed.

Error TypeError CodeDescriptionSuggested Action
AccessDeniedErrorN/AYou don't have sufficient access to perform this action.Ensure that your access token has permission to access this information, and retry the call. For details, see Authenticate to the Buy with Prime API.
InternalServerErrorN/AUnexpected error during request processing.None. This is a server-side error.
ResourceNotFoundErrorN/ARequest references a resource that doesn't exist.Provide a valid catalogFeedId.
ThrottlingErrorN/AUser made too many requests to the Buy with Prime API.Send the request again using exponential backoff.

Errors getting the download link

The following errors can occur when you call the downloadLink query to get a presigned URL with which you can download a catalog feed processing result file.

Error TypeError CodeDescriptionSuggested Action
AccessDeniedErrorN/AYou don't have sufficient access to perform this action.Ensure that your access token has permission to access this information, and retry the call. For details, see Authenticate to the Buy with Prime API.
InternalServerErrorN/AUnexpected error during request processing.None. This is a server-side error.
ResourceNotFoundErrorN/ARequest references a resource that doesn't exist.Provide a valid fileId that isn't expired.
ThrottlingErrorN/AUser made too many requests to the Buy with Prime API.Send the request again using exponential backoff.

Errors downloading a catalog feed results file

The following HTTP errors can occur when you download a catalog feed results file from the presigned URL that you retrieved by using the downloadLink query.

Error TypeError CodeDescriptionSuggested Action
N/AAccessDeniedYou attempted to download a file from an expired presigned URL.Call downloadLink to get a new presigned URL and then make sure you download the file from the presigned URL within five seconds.

Errors processing the catalog feed (as shown by the catalogFeed query response)

It’s possible for the entire catalog feed creation operation to fail. For example, if you upload a file that doesn’t follow the CSV template format, catalog feed creation fails entirely.

You can determine whether an entire catalog feed creation failed by using the catalogFeed query. In the response, check the status field. If the status is FAULTED, there has been an internal server error. If the status is FAILED, you can find additional details about the failure in the data.catalogFeed.result.signals field. Signals are a form of feedback that indicate that something needs attention and requires action by you.

Example catalogFeed query response when catalog feed creation failed entirely
  "data": {
    "catalogFeed": {
      "id": "example-catalog-feed-id",
      "status": "FAILED",
      "result": {
         "signals": [
            "code": "InvalidFileId",
            "signalMessage": {
              "locale": "en-US",
              "message": "Input file id invalid or not found."
            "impactSummary": {
              "locale": "en-US",
              "message": "The catalog feed could not be imported."
            "reactionSummary": {
              "locale": "en-US",
              "message": "Ensure you're passing the fileId that's returned from calling CreateUploadLink and uploading a CSV file."
         "resultFile": null

A signal contains the following information:

  • A signal code, which uniquely indicates what type of signal it is. You can use the signal code to triage signals and take corresponding actions.
  • A signal message, which is a human-readable message that describes the signal.
  • An impact summary, which is a human-readable message that summarizes the impacts of the signal.
  • A reaction summary, which is a human-readable message that describes the possible next steps to address the signal.

The following table shows some common signals that you might see in the catalogFeed query response when the catalog feed operation failed entirely.

CodeMessageImpact SummaryReaction Summary
InvalidFileIdInput file ID invalid or not found.The catalog feed could not be imported.Ensure you're passing the fileId that's returned by createUploadLink and uploading a CSV file.
UnsupportedFileFile format wasn't a comma separated value (.csv) file.The catalog feed could not be imported.Ensure that the file you uploaded is a CSV file that uses the correct CSV template.
MissingRequiredColumnMissing required column for external ID.The catalog feed could not be imported.Ensure that the file you uploaded is a CSV file that uses the correct CSV template.
DuplicatedColumnDuplicate column found for external ID.The catalog feed could not be imported.Ensure that the file you uploaded is a CSV file that uses the correct CSV template.
ExceededMaxSupportedItemsThe number of products exceeds the maximum limit of 15000.The catalog feed could not be imported.Split your CSV file into multiple CSV files that contain no more than 15,000 items apiece, and perform multiple createCatalogFeed operations.
UnlinkedSellerCentralAccountCannot find a Seller Central / Supply Chain account linked to a Buy with Prime account.The catalog feed could not be imported.Ensure your Seller Central or Supply Chain Portal account is linked to your account for Buy with Prime before trying a createCatalogFeed operation.

Errors processing the catalog feed (as shown by the catalog feed results file)

After the Buy with Prime API successfully processes a catalog feed CSV file, the response to the catalogFeed query shows a status field value of COMPLETED. This value indicates that we were able to process the CSV file, but row processing wasn't necessarily all successful.

To return the row-level results of the import, the catalog field creation operation builds a catalog feed processing result file. To get a presigned URL at which you can download the result file, pass the catalog feed's result.resultReport.fileId to the downloadLink query. The downloadLink query returns a link that you can use to download the result file. For instructions on how to download the file, see Get the Result of a Catalog Upload.

The result file is similar to the input CSV file, with the following new columns:

  • The Import Result column indicates the SUCCEEDED, SKIPPED, or FAILED status of the row.
  • The Error Type, Error Code(s), and Error Details(s) columns describe the error when the Import Result is FAILED.

For a description of the fields in the catalog feed result file, see Catalog feed processing result file.

Error TypeError CodeImport ResultDescription
InternalServerErrorN/AFAILEDUnable to import. Try again.
ValidationErrorDuplicateAmazonSKUFAILEDAmazon SKU is already used for another item. Try again with a different Amazon SKU.
ValidationErrorDuplicateExternalIdFAILEDExternal ID is already used for another item. Try again with a different external ID.
ValidationErrorDuplicateSKUFAILEDSKU is already used for another item. Try again with a different SKU.
ValidationErrorInvalidProductDetailPageUrlFAILEDProduct detail page URL has an unsupported value. Supported values are https://.
ValidationErrorInvalidImageUrlFAILEDProduct image URL has an unsupported value. Supported values start with https://, have valid URL characters without spaces, and end with [.jpg .jpeg .png .gif].
ValidationErrorInvalidOfferPrimeFAILEDOffer Prime has an unexpected value.
ValidationErrorMissingRequiredAmazonSKUFAILEDProduct is missing input for Amazon SKU column.
ValidationErrorMissingRequiredImageUrlFAILEDProduct is missing input for Image URL column.
ValidationErrorMissingRequiredProductDetailPageUrlFAILEDProduct detail page URL is required when Is Prime Intended is true.
ValidationErrorMissingRequiredSKUFAILEDProduct is missing input for SKU column.
ValidationErrorUnexpectedUpdateExternalIdFAILEDProduct has an invalid Updated External ID. Leave this field empty when overwriteExistingProducts is false.
ValidationErrorUnsupportedFileTypeFAILEDProduct image(s) can be one of [.jpg .jpeg .png .gif]. Check if the image is missing an extension in the URL.
ValidationErrorOverwriteExistingProductDisallowedSKIPPEDProduct already exists in the catalog. Cannot update product while overwriteExistingProducts is false.

Product creation/update/deletion/query errors

You can encounter the following errors when you create, update, delete, and query products in your Buy with Prime catalog. For examples of these operations, see Create and Manage Products in a Catalog and Query a Catalog.

Errors creating and updating products

The following errors can occur when you call the createProduct and updateProduct mutations.

Error TypeError CodeDescriptionSuggested Action
ValidationErrorDuplicateAmazonSkuA product with the specified Amazon SKU already exists in your Buy with Prime catalog. For a possible cause, see Duplicate ID errors.First, query the existing product that has the same Amazon SKU. Then, either delete the existing product that has the same Amazon SKU or create a new product by using a different Amazon SKU.
ValidationErrorDuplicateExternalIdA product with the specified external ID already exists in your Buy with Prime catalog. For a possible cause, see Duplicate ID errors .First, query the existing product that has the same external ID. Then, either delete the existing product that has the same external ID or create a new product by using a different external ID.
ValidationErrorDuplicateSkuA product with the specified SKU already exists in your Buy with Prime catalog. For a possible cause, see Duplicate ID errors .First, query the existing product that has the same SKU. Then, either delete the existing product that has the same SKU or create a new product by using a different SKU.
ValidationErrorInvalidImageUrlA product has an image that can't be downloaded.Provide a valid image source URL that provides a downloadable image.
ValidationErrorMissingRequiredProductDetailPageUrlA product for which offerPrime is true is missing a product detail page URL.When offerPrime is set to true, include a productDetailPageUrl field in the request.
ValidationErrorUnsupportedImageTypeA product has an unsupported image type.Provide an image source URL that has a supported image format (gif, png, jpg, or jpeg).

Duplicate ID errors

External ID, SKU, and Amazon SKU attributes must all be unique within a catalog. When you upload catalog data, a common error is to swap the SKU, Amazon SKU, or External ID between two products. For example, you might have the following two products:

• Product 1: External ID is external-id-1, SKU is sku-1, and Amazon SKU is amazon-sku-1
• Product 2: External ID is external-id-2, SKU is sku-2, and Amazon SKU is amazon-sku-2

If you erroneously upload a CSV file that specifies that the Amazon SKU for Product 1 is amazon-sku-2 and the Amazon SKU for Product 2 is amazon-sku-1, the catalog feed creation operation that adds these products would succeed. However, if you try to correct the mapping by directly swapping these Amazon SKU values in a subsequent catalog feed creation operation, the operation would fail with a uniqueness error.

To resolve this error, you must update one product to have an Amazon SKUs that's a third, unrelated value. In this example, you might pick UNRELATED as an unrelated Amazon SKU value that's neither amazon-sku-1 nor amazon-sku-2. This action frees the Amazon SKU for the first product so that it can be mapped to the second product. As a result, you can update the second product to use the now-free, correct Amazon SKU. After you update the second product, you can update the first product again to map it to the correct Amazon SKU.

Errors deleting a product

The following errors can occur when you call the deleteProduct mutation.

Error TypeError CodeDescriptionSuggested Action
ResourceNotFoundErrorN/ARequest references a resource that doesn't exist.Provide a valid identifier for a product that exists in your Buy with Prime catalog.

Errors querying an inventory item

The following errors can occur when you call the inventoryItem query.

Error TypeError CodeDescriptionSuggested Action
AccessDeniedErrorN/AYou don't have sufficient access to perform this action.Make sure the query is for a valid inventory item that you own.
InternalServerErrorN/AUnexpected error during request processing.None. This is a server-side error.
ResourceNotFoundErrorN/ARequest references a resource that doesn't exist.Use a valid inventory identifier that exists.
ThrottlingErrorN/AUser made too many requests to the Buy with Prime API.Send the request again using exponential backoff.
ValidationErrorInvalidAmazonSkuConfigurationThe buyable quantity can't be determined because this item is associated with an invalid MSKU.Ensure that the item has a valid corresponding MSKU. Check for typos.
ValidationErrorMissingAmazonSkuConfigurationThe buyable quantity can't be determined because this item isn't associated with an MSKU.Ensure that the item has a corresponding MSKU.

Errors querying a product

The following errors can occur when you call the product query.

Error TypeError CodeDescriptionSuggested Action
AccessDeniedErrorN/AYou don't have sufficient access to perform this action.Make sure the query is for a product that's in your Buy with Prime catalog.
InternalServerErrorN/AUnexpected error during request processing.None. This is a server-side error.
ResourceNotFoundErrorN/ACouldn't find the item.Use a valid Buy with Prime-generated item ID or a valid ID from an external e-commerce platform.
ThrottlingErrorN/AUser made too many requests to the Buy with Prime API.Send the request again using exponential backoff.

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