
Version 2024-11-01



The Buy with Prime API is offered as a preview and might change as we receive feedback and iterate on the interfaces. We are sharing this early documentation to help you learn about the Buy with Prime API as we write and iterate on the content.


Create a BwP Order.


Return type CreateOrderResponse


input (CreateOrderInput required)

Specifies the input fields to create an Order.


Create Order With Non Prime Items Without Shopper Identity


mutation createOrder { createOrder( input: { lineItems: [ { product: { identifier: { productId: "example-product-id" } title: "example-product-title" price: { amount: 28 currencyCode: "USD" } } amount: { value: 1 } selectedDeliveryOffer: { details: { deliveryCharge: { amount: 2.99 currencyCode: "USD" } deliveryProvider: AMAZON deliveryTerms: { isPrimeEligible: false deliverySpeed: "STANDARD" } } } } ] customer: { contact: { emailData: { name: "John Smith" email: "" } } } recipient: { deliveryAddress: { name: "John Smith" streetAddress: "399 Boren Ave N" locality: "Seattle" region: "WA" countryCode: "US" postalCode: "98109" } } aliases: [ { aliasType: "EXTERNAL_DISPLAY_ID" aliasId: "external-order-display-id" }, { aliasType: "EXTERNAL_ID" aliasId: "external-order-id" } ] totalPrice: { value: { amount: 38.79 currencyCode: "USD" } } orderLinks: [ { destinationType: EXTERNAL_ORDER_MANAGEMENT url: "" } ] } ) { order { id lineItems { amount { unit value } createdAt product { title price { currencyCode amount } } } orderLinks { destinationType url } } } }


{ "data": { "createOrder": { "order": { "id": "322-ABC1-AAAAAA", "lineItems": [ { "amount": { "unit": "ONE", "value": 1 }, "createdAt": "2022-02-22T16:13:11.798Z", "product": { "title": "example-product-title", "price": { "currencyCode": "USD", "amount": 28 } } } ], "orderLinks": [ { "destinationType": "EXTERNAL_ORDER_MANAGEMENT", "url": "" } ] } } } }

Create Order With Non Prime Items


mutation createOrder { createOrder( input: { lineItems: [ { product: { identifier: { productId: "example-product-id-1" } title: "example-product-title-1" price: { amount: 10 currencyCode: "USD" } } amount: { value: 1 } selectedDeliveryOffer: { details: { id: "1234567890" deliveryPreviewId: "SIP-0000000-0000000" deliveryProvider: AMAZON deliveryTerms: { isPrimeEligible: true } } } }, { product: { identifier: { productId: "example-product-id-2" } title: "example-product-title-2" price: { amount: 28 currencyCode: "USD" } } amount: { value: 1 } selectedDeliveryOffer: { details: { deliveryCharge: { amount: 2.99 currencyCode: "USD" } deliveryProvider: AMAZON deliveryTerms: { isPrimeEligible: false deliverySpeed: "STANDARD" } } } } ] customer: { contact: { emailData: { name: "John Smith" email: "" } } } recipient: { deliveryAddress: { name: "John Smith" streetAddress: "399 Boren Ave N" locality: "Seattle" region: "WA" countryCode: "US" postalCode: "98109" } } aliases: [ { aliasType: "EXTERNAL_DISPLAY_ID" aliasId: "external-order-display-id" }, { aliasType: "EXTERNAL_ID" aliasId: "external-order-id" } ] totalPrice: { value: { amount: 38.79 currencyCode: "USD" } } orderLinks: [ { destinationType: EXTERNAL_ORDER_MANAGEMENT url: "" } ] shopperIdentity: { apayCheckoutSessionId: { value: "d5706fe2-0296-4ade-8336-af805f55cb2c" externalId: "external-shopper-checkout-session-id" } } } ) { order { id lineItems { amount { unit value } createdAt product { title price { currencyCode amount } } } orderLinks { destinationType url } } } }


{ "data": { "createOrder": { "order": { "id": "322-ABC1-AAAAAA", "lineItems": [ { "amount": { "unit": "ONE", "value": 1 }, "createdAt": "2022-02-22T16:13:11.798Z", "product": { "title": "example-product-title-1", "price": { "currencyCode": "USD", "amount": 10 } } }, { "amount": { "unit": "ONE", "value": 1 }, "createdAt": "2022-02-22T16:13:11.798Z", "product": { "title": "example-product-title-2", "price": { "currencyCode": "USD", "amount": 28 } } } ], "orderLinks": [ { "destinationType": "EXTERNAL_ORDER_MANAGEMENT", "url": "" } ] } } } }

Create Order With Minimal Bundle Product Information


mutation createOrder { createOrder( input: { lineItems: [ { product: { identifier: { sku: "example-component-product-1-sku" } title: "example-component-product-1-title" price: { amount: 10.79 currencyCode: "USD" } purchaseGroupMembership: { product: { identifier: { sku: "example-bundle-product-sku" } } } } amount: { value: 1 } selectedDeliveryOffer: { details: { id: "1234567890" deliveryPreviewId: "SIP-0000000-000000" deliveryProvider: AMAZON deliveryTerms: { isPrimeEligible: true } } } }, { product: { identifier: { sku: "example-component-product-2-sku" } title: "example-component-product-2-title" price: { amount: 5 currencyCode: "USD" } purchaseGroupMembership: { product: { identifier: { sku: "example-bundle-product-sku" } } } } amount: { value: 2 } selectedDeliveryOffer: { details: { id: "0987654321" deliveryPreviewId: "SIP-0000000-000000" deliveryProvider: AMAZON deliveryTerms: { isPrimeEligible: true } } } } ] customer: { contact: { emailData: { name: "John Smith" email: "" } } } recipient: { deliveryAddress: { name: "John Smith" streetAddress: "399 Boren Ave N" locality: "Seattle" region: "WA" countryCode: "US" postalCode: "98109" } } totalPrice: { value: { amount: 20.79 currencyCode: "USD" } } orderLinks: [ { destinationType: EXTERNAL_ORDER_MANAGEMENT url: "" } ] shopperIdentity: { apayCheckoutSessionId: { value: "apay-session-id" externalId: "external-shopper-checkout-session-id" } } } ) { order { id lineItems { amount { unit value } createdAt product { title price { currencyCode amount } purchaseGroupMembership { product { sku { value } } } } } orderLinks { destinationType url } } } }


{ "data": { "createOrder": { "order": { "id": "322-ABC1-AAAAAA", "lineItems": [ { "amount": { "unit": "ONE", "value": 1 }, "createdAt": "2022-02-22T16:13:11.798Z", "product": { "title": "example-component-product-1-title", "price": { "currencyCode": "USD", "amount": 10.79 }, "purchaseGroupMembership": { "product": { "sku": { "value": "example-bundle-product-sku" } } } } }, { "amount": { "unit": "ONE", "value": 2 }, "createdAt": "2022-02-22T16:13:11.798Z", "product": { "title": "example-component-product-2-title", "price": { "currencyCode": "USD", "amount": 5 }, "purchaseGroupMembership": { "product": { "sku": { "value": "example-bundle-product-sku" } } } } } ], "orderLinks": [ { "destinationType": "EXTERNAL_ORDER_MANAGEMENT", "url": "" } ] } } } }

Create Order With Merchant Fulfilled Items


mutation createOrder { createOrder( input: { lineItems: [ { product: { identifier: { productId: "example-product-id-1" } title: "example-product-title-1" price: { amount: 10 currencyCode: "USD" } } amount: { value: 1 } taxes: { summary: { collectableTaxAmount: { amount: 1.02 currencyCode: "USD" } } } selectedDeliveryOffer: { details: { id: "123456" deliveryPreviewId: "SIP-0000000-0000000" deliveryProvider: AMAZON deliveryTerms: { isPrimeEligible: true } } } }, { product: { identifier: { productId: "example-product-id-2" } title: "example-product-title-2" price: { amount: 28 currencyCode: "USD" } } amount: { value: 1 } aliases: [ { aliasType: "EXTERNAL_ITEM_ID" aliasId: "external-line-item-id" }, { aliasType: "EXTERNAL_DISPLAY_ID" aliasId: "external-line-item-display-id" } ] selectedDeliveryOffer: { summary: { deliveryMessage: { messageText: "Free standard shipping in 5-7 business days" locale: "en-US" } deliveryCharge: { amount: 2.99 currencyCode: "USD" } discounts: { amount: { amount: 2.99 currencyCode: "USD" } } deliveryProvider: MERCHANT } } } ] customer: { contact: { emailData: { name: "John Smith" email: "" } } } recipient: { deliveryAddress: { name: "John Smith" streetAddress: "399 Boren Ave N" locality: "Seattle" region: "WA" countryCode: "US" postalCode: "98109" } } aliases: [ { aliasType: "EXTERNAL_DISPLAY_ID" aliasId: "external-order-display-id" }, { aliasType: "EXTERNAL_ID" aliasId: "external-order-id" } ] totalPrice: { value: { amount: 38.79 currencyCode: "USD" } } orderLinks: [ { destinationType: EXTERNAL_ORDER_MANAGEMENT url: "" } ] shopperIdentity: { apayCheckoutSessionId: { value: "apay-session-id" externalId: "external-shopper-checkout-session-id" } } } ) { order { id lineItems { amount { unit value } createdAt product { title price { currencyCode amount } } } orderLinks { destinationType url } } } }


{ "data": { "createOrder": { "order": { "id": "322-ABC1-AAAAAA", "lineItems": [ { "amount": { "unit": "ONE", "value": 1 }, "createdAt": "2022-02-22T16:13:11.798Z", "product": { "title": "example-product-title-1", "price": { "currencyCode": "USD", "amount": 10 } } }, { "amount": { "unit": "ONE", "value": 1 }, "createdAt": "2022-02-22T16:13:11.798Z", "product": { "title": "example-product-title-2", "price": { "currencyCode": "USD", "amount": 28 } } } ], "orderLinks": [ { "destinationType": "EXTERNAL_ORDER_MANAGEMENT", "url": "" } ] } } } }

Create Order With External Order Details


mutation createOrder { createOrder( input: { lineItems: [ { product: { identifier: { productId: "example-product-id" } title: "example-product-title" price: { amount: 10 currencyCode: "USD" } } amount: { value: 1 } aliases: [ { aliasType: "EXTERNAL_ITEM_ID" aliasId: "external-line-item-id" }, { aliasType: "EXTERNAL_DISPLAY_ID" aliasId: "external-line-item-display-id" } ] selectedDeliveryOffer: { details: { id: "1234567890" deliveryPreviewId: "SIP-0000000-0000000" deliveryProvider: AMAZON deliveryTerms: { isPrimeEligible: true } } } } ] customer: { contact: { emailData: { name: "John Smith" email: "" } } } recipient: { deliveryAddress: { name: "John Smith" streetAddress: "399 Boren Ave N" locality: "Seattle" region: "WA" countryCode: "US" postalCode: "98109" } } aliases: [ { aliasType: "EXTERNAL_DISPLAY_ID" aliasId: "external-order-display-id" }, { aliasType: "EXTERNAL_ID" aliasId: "external-order-id" } ] totalPrice: { value: { amount: 38.79 currencyCode: "USD" } } orderLinks: [ { destinationType: EXTERNAL_ORDER_MANAGEMENT url: "" } ] shopperIdentity: { apayCheckoutSessionId: { value: "example-apay-session-id" externalId: "external-shopper-checkout-session-id" } } } ) { order { id lineItems { amount { unit value } createdAt product { title price { currencyCode amount } } } orderLinks { destinationType url } } } }


{ "data": { "createOrder": { "order": { "id": "322-ABC1-AAAAAA", "lineItems": [ { "amount": { "unit": "ONE", "value": 1 }, "createdAt": "2022-02-22T16:13:11.798Z", "product": { "title": "example-product-title", "price": { "currencyCode": "USD", "amount": 10 } } } ], "orderLinks": [ { "destinationType": "EXTERNAL_ORDER_MANAGEMENT", "url": "" } ] } } } }

Create Order With Bundle Product For Prime And Non Prime Items


mutation createOrder { createOrder( input: { lineItems: [ { product: { identifier: { sku: "example-component-product-1-sku" } title: "example-component-product-1-title" price: { amount: 10.79 currencyCode: "USD" } purchaseGroupMembership: { product: { identifier: { sku: "example-bundle-product-sku" } price: { amount: 20.79 currencyCode: "USD" } } memberAmount: { value: 1 } } } amount: { value: 1 } selectedDeliveryOffer: { details: { id: "1234567890" deliveryPreviewId: "SIP-0000000-000000" deliveryProvider: AMAZON deliveryTerms: { isPrimeEligible: true } } } }, { product: { identifier: { sku: "example-component-product-2-sku" } purchaseGroupMembership: { product: { identifier: { sku: "example-bundle-product-sku" } price: { amount: 20.79 currencyCode: "USD" } } memberAmount: { value: 2 } } } amount: { value: 2 } selectedDeliveryOffer: { details: { deliveryProvider: AMAZON deliveryTerms: { isPrimeEligible: false deliverySpeed: "STANDARD" } } } } ] customer: { contact: { emailData: { name: "John Smith" email: "" } } } recipient: { deliveryAddress: { name: "John Smith" streetAddress: "399 Boren Ave N" locality: "Seattle" region: "WA" countryCode: "US" postalCode: "98109" } } totalPrice: { value: { amount: 20.79 currencyCode: "USD" } } orderLinks: [ { destinationType: EXTERNAL_ORDER_MANAGEMENT url: "" } ] shopperIdentity: { apayCheckoutSessionId: { value: "apay-session-id" externalId: "external-shopper-checkout-session-id" } } } ) { order { id lineItems { amount { unit value } createdAt product { title price { currencyCode amount } purchaseGroupMembership { product { sku { value } price { currencyCode amount } } memberAmount { value } } } } orderLinks { destinationType url } } } }


{ "data": { "createOrder": { "order": { "id": "322-ABC1-AAAAAA", "lineItems": [ { "amount": { "unit": "ONE", "value": 1 }, "createdAt": "2022-02-22T16:13:11.798Z", "product": { "title": "example-component-product-1-title", "price": { "currencyCode": "USD", "amount": 10.79 }, "purchaseGroupMembership": { "product": { "sku": { "value": "example-bundle-product-sku" }, "price": { "currencyCode": "USD", "amount": 20.79 } }, "memberAmount": { "value": 1 } } } }, { "amount": { "unit": "ONE", "value": 2 }, "createdAt": "2022-02-22T16:13:11.798Z", "product": { "title": "example-component-product-2-title", "price": { "currencyCode": "USD", "amount": 5 }, "purchaseGroupMembership": { "product": { "sku": { "value": "example-bundle-product-sku" }, "price": { "currencyCode": "USD", "amount": 20.79 } }, "memberAmount": { "value": 1 } } } } ], "orderLinks": [ { "destinationType": "EXTERNAL_ORDER_MANAGEMENT", "url": "" } ] } } } }

Create Order Using Lwa


mutation createOrder { createOrder( input: { lineItems: [ { product: { identifier: { productId: "example-product-id" } title: "example-product-title" price: { amount: 10 currencyCode: "USD" } } amount: { value: 1 } selectedDeliveryOffer: { details: { id: "1234567890" deliveryPreviewId: "SIP-0000000-0000000" deliveryProvider: AMAZON deliveryTerms: { isPrimeEligible: true } } } } ] customer: { contact: { emailData: { name: "John Smith" email: "" } } } recipient: { deliveryAddress: { name: "John Smith" streetAddress: "399 Boren Ave N" locality: "Seattle" region: "WA" countryCode: "US" postalCode: "98109" } } totalPrice: { value: { amount: 38.79 currencyCode: "USD" } } orderLinks: [ { destinationType: EXTERNAL_ORDER_MANAGEMENT url: "" } ] shopperIdentity: { lwaAccessToken: { value: "example-lwa-token", externalId: "external-shopper-checkout-session-id" } } } ) { order { id lineItems { amount { unit value } createdAt product { title price { currencyCode amount } } } orderLinks { destinationType url } } } }


{ "data": { "createOrder": { "order": { "id": "322-ABC1-AAAAAA", "lineItems": [ { "amount": { "unit": "ONE", "value": 1 }, "createdAt": "2022-02-22T16:13:11.798Z", "product": { "title": "example-product-title", "price": { "currencyCode": "USD", "amount": 10 } } } ], "orderLinks": [ { "destinationType": "EXTERNAL_ORDER_MANAGEMENT", "url": "" } ] } } } }

Create Minimum Fulfillable Order


mutation createOrder { createOrder( input: { lineItems: [ { product: { identifier: { productId: "example-product-id" } title: "example-product-title" price: { amount: 10 currencyCode: "USD" } } amount: { value: 1 } selectedDeliveryOffer: { details: { id: "1234567890" deliveryPreviewId: "SIP-0000000-000000" deliveryProvider: AMAZON deliveryTerms: { isPrimeEligible: true } } } } ] customer: { contact: { emailData: { name: "John Smith" email: "" } } } recipient: { deliveryAddress: { name: "John Smith" streetAddress: "399 Boren Ave N" locality: "Seattle" region: "WA" countryCode: "US" postalCode: "98109" } } totalPrice: { value: { amount: 38.79 currencyCode: "USD" } } orderLinks: [ { destinationType: EXTERNAL_ORDER_MANAGEMENT url: "" } ] shopperIdentity: { apayCheckoutSessionId: { value: "apay-session-id" externalId: "external-shopper-checkout-session-id" } } } ) { order { id lineItems { amount { unit value } createdAt product { title price { currencyCode amount } } } orderLinks { destinationType url } } } }


{ "data": { "createOrder": { "order": { "id": "322-ABC1-AAAAAA", "lineItems": [ { "amount": { "unit": "ONE", "value": 1 }, "createdAt": "2022-02-22T16:13:11.798Z", "product": { "title": "example-product-title", "price": { "currencyCode": "USD", "amount": 10 } } } ], "orderLinks": [ { "destinationType": "EXTERNAL_ORDER_MANAGEMENT", "url": "" } ] } } } }

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