
Version 2024-04-01


Represents a snapshot of purchased product details at the time of Order placement.


amazonSku (AmazonSkuProductIdentifier)

Amazon SKU from Amazon.com.

externalId (ExternalProductIdentifier)

A unique product identifier that identifies a product from referenced e-commerce platform.

image (FeaturedImage)

Image associated with the product.

offerPrime (Boolean)

Intention of offering prime for the product.

price (Money)

Price associated with the product. If the lineItem's deliveryProvider is BUY_WITH_PRIME or AMAZON (starting 2024-11-01 version), then price will be populated. If the lineItem's deliveryProvider is MERCHANT, then price may be null.

productDetailPageUrl (String)

Product detail page URL for the product.

productId (ProductId)

Product identifier generated by Buy With Prime associated with the product.

sku (SkuProductIdentifier)

Product SKU from e-commerce platform.

title (String)

Title associated with the product. If the lineItem's deliveryProvider is BUY_WITH_PRIME or AMAZON (starting 2024-11-01 version), then title will be populated. If the lineItem's deliveryProvider is MERCHANT, then title may be null.

variationSelections ([VariationSelection])

Variation selections associated with the product. For example, 'Color: Red'.