
Version 2024-04-01


Represents a personal data retrieval task.


dataRetrievalLink (String)

The link to the results of a personal data retrieval task. This link will expire in 1 minute. If the download does not begin before the expiry time, you may call the API again for a new link.

dataSubject (DataSubject required)

Data subject associated with the personal data retrieval task.

errors ([PersonalDataTaskError])

Potential errors during the execution of the personal data retrieval task.

lastUpdatedDate (String required)

Last updated time of the personal data retrieval task, in ISO-8601 format.

status (String required)

Status of the personal data retrieval task.

The value is constrained to one of the following

IN_PROGRESSThe personal data retrieval task is in progress.
COMPLETEDThe personal data retrieval task has been completed.
FAILEDThe personal data retrieval task has failed. Error details can be found in the 'errors' field.
submissionDate (String required)

Submission time of the personal data retrieval task, in ISO-8601 format.

taskId (ID required)

Identifier associated with the personal data retrieval task.