Troubleshoot Delivery Preview Errors


Buy with Prime API is now available for early access

Sign up for early access to the Buy with Prime API using the 'Sign Up' button below. The API may change as Amazon receives feedback and iterates on it.

This topic explains possible errors that you can encounter when you Create Delivery Previews.

Errors generating a delivery preview

The following errors can occur when you call the deliveryPreview query. You can find additional details, such as the relevant itemId, in the details object of the exception.

Error TypeError CodeDescriptionSuggested Action
AccessDeniedErrorN/AYou don't have sufficient access to perform this action.Ensure that your access token has permission to access this information, and retry the call. For details, see Authenticate to the Buy with Prime API.
InternalServerErrorN/AUnexpected error during request processing.None. This is a server-side error.
ResourceNotFoundErrorResourceNotFoundExceptionAt least one item or product ID in the request is invalid.N/A
ThrottlingErrorN/AUser made too many requests to the Buy with Prime API.Send the request again using exponential backoff.
ValidationErrorExpiredIdpTokenThe idPToken in the IdentityTokenInput in the request is expired.Provide a current idPToken.
ValidationErrorInvalidIdpTokenThe idPToken in the IdentityTokenInput in the request is invalid.Provide a valid idPToken.
ValidationErrorInvalidAddressThe address provided in the request is incomplete or inaccurately formatted.Provide a valid shopper address.
ValidationErrorInvalidDestinationThe shopper's shipping destination is invalid. Buy with Prime doesn't support non-US locations, non-continental US territories, or US military bases destinations, including: American Samoa (AS), Micronesia (FM), Guam (GU), Marshall Islands (MH), Northern Marianas (MP), Puerto Rico (PR), Palau (PW), US Virgin Islands (VI), Armed Forces - America (AA), Armed Forces - North-Pacific (AE), and Armed Forces - Pacific (AP).Provide a valid shopper shipping destination.
ValidationErrorItemAmountUnavailableThe available quantity for the specified item is insufficient to fulfill the requested quantity.Decrease the quantity requested for the item.
ValidationErrorItemNotPrimeEnabledThe item isn't enabled for Buy with Prime.Remove the item from the request. Make sure that you uploaded the product to your Buy with Prime catalog.
ValidationErrorItemOutOfStockThere is no available inventory for the specified item. This error only occurs during checkout flow.Remove the item from the request. Replenish inventory for the product.
ValidationErrorMerchantNotPrimeEnabledYour storefront isn't correctly configured to offer Buy with Prime.N/A
ValidationErrorProductAmountUnavailableAt least one item in the request isn't available for Buy with Prime.N/A
ValidationErrorShopperNotPrimeEnabledThe shopper isn't a Prime member.Call the shopperBwPEligibility query in advance to verify that the shopper is a Prime member.
ValidationErrorUnspecifiedErrorInvalid input. For example, this error can occur when itemId isn't eligible for Buy with Prime, the quantity for the item isn't a positive integer <= 250, the item is out of stock during pre-checkout flow, or the merchant SKU is incorrectly mapped.Check for invalid arguments.

Errors getting shopper eligibility

The following errors can occur when you call the shopperbwpeligibility query.

Error TypeError CodeDescriptionSuggested Action
InternalServerErrorN/AUnexpected error during request processing.None. This is a server-side error.
ThrottlingErrorN/AUser made too many requests to the Buy with Prime API.Send the request again using exponential backoff.
ValidationErrorExpiredIdpTokenThe idPToken in the IdentityTokenInput in the request is expired.Provide a current idPToken.
ValidationErrorInvalidIdpTokenThe idPToken in the IdentityTokenInput in the request is invalid.Provide a valid idPToken.
ValidationErrorUnspecifiedErrorInvalid input. This error occurs when a query or argument value isn't valid.Check for invalid arguments in the IdentityTokenInput.

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