
Version 2024-04-01


Product holds the product identifier mapping between e-commerce platform and Product data authority is e-commerce platform. Product fulfillment is provided by Buy With Prime.


advertisedPrice (Price)

Advertised price for a product.

amazonSku (AmazonSkuProductIdentifier)

Amazon SKU from

externalId (ExternalProductIdentifier)

External e-commerce platform product identifier.

externalVersion (String)

External version for a product.

id (ID required)

Product identifier generated by Buy With Prime associated with the product.

image (FeaturedImage)

Image associated with a product.

offerPrime (Boolean)

Intention of offering prime for a product.

productDetailPageUrl (String)

Product detail page URL for a product.

sku (SkuProductIdentifier)

Product SKU from e-commerce platform.

inventoryItem (InventoryItem)

Extend Product with InventoryItem so clients can retrieve inventory data using external inventory identifiers.

buyability (Buyability)

Extend Product with Buyability so clients can query Buyability fields when querying Product.