Create Delivery Previews
Buy with Prime API is now available for early access
Sign up for early access to the Buy with Prime API using the 'Sign Up' button below. The API may change as Amazon receives feedback and iterates on it.
The Buy with Prime Delivery Preview interface enables you to display estimated delivery information to shoppers throughout their journey across your site. You can use this interface to get delivery previews for products that are eligible for Buy with Prime.
For example, delivery previews can provide the following information on product detail pages and checkout pages:
- Product detail pages: When the shopper's location is unknown, delivery previews provide an estimated delivery date. If the shopper signs in with their Amazon credentials (for example, using a delivery card), delivery previews calculate a delivery date based on their saved address.
- Checkout pages: When the shopper's address is available through Amazon Wallet or entered directly during the checkout process, delivery previews calculate a delivery date based on the address.
To create a delivery preview, Amazon's fulfillment systems optimize combinations of requested products in requested quantities with the amount of inventory available across Amazon's fulfillment network.
The shopper typically sees the delivery preview as a message that appears with the Prime badge in purchase and checkout experiences.

Buy with Prime Delivery Preview
For example requests and responses, see:
API operations
You use the following mutations, queries, and events to create delivery previews.
In the sandbox environment, to call deliveryPreview
, shopperBwPEligibility
, or createOrder
, you must use one of the Sandbox shopper identity tokens.
Name | Description |
deliveryPreview | Returns the delivery offers for a list of items. |
shopperBwPEligibility | Returns the Prime membership status for the shopper. |
Where to start
To display a delivery preview, call the deliveryPreview
query. For example requests and responses, see:
Related topics
Updated 6 days ago