
Version 2024-11-01



The Buy with Prime API is offered as a preview and might change as we receive feedback and iterate on the interfaces. We are sharing this early documentation to help you learn about the Buy with Prime API as we write and iterate on the content.


Represents a single line item on an order.


id (ID required)

Unique identifier to represent the line item.

aliases ([Alias])

Unique identifiers of the line item Id in the order of the merchant’s store.

amount (Amount)

The amount associated with the line item, indicating quantity or another relevant measure.

cancellations (Cancellations)

Provides cancellation summary and details that apply to this specific line item. Cancellation that applies to the entire order will be included in the order directly.

createdAt (String)

The Date Time in ISO 8601 format when the unit was created.

deliveryOffer (DeliveryOfferInfo)

Delivery information associated with the LineItem at the time of placement.

discounts (DiscountAllocations)

Promotional discounts allocated to the line item.

packageInformation (PackageInformation)

Contains an optional summary and details of Delivery that apply to this specific line item.

payments (Payments)

Contains either a summary or the details of payments that apply to this specific line item. Payments that don't apply to specific line items are included in the order directly.

product (PurchasedProductView)

Snapshot of product being purchased at the time of Order placement.

reversalOffers (ReversalOfferInfo)

Reversal Offers that is associated with the LineItem at the time of offer query.

taxes (Taxes)

The tax(es) applied on the line item.