Retrieve and Delete Customer Data
Buy with Prime API is now available for early access
Sign up for early access to the Buy with Prime API using the 'Sign Up' button below. The API may change as Amazon receives feedback and iterates on it.
Privacy regulations give individuals rights with respect to their personal data.
You may use the Buy with Prime Privacy interface to retrieve or delete a customer's personal data contained in your Buy with Prime account. The Buy with Prime Privacy interface supports two types of privacy requests: data retrieval and data deletion.
The Buy with Prime service uses Amazon Multi-Channel Fulfillment (MCF) for order fulfillment. When you submit a Buy with Prime privacy task, the response from the Buy with Prime API covers the data stores in both Buy with Prime and Amazon MCF services, including orders that do and don’t contain products that are eligible for Buy with Prime. You don’t need to submit separate privacy requests for each service.
The following sections describe terminology related to privacy requests.
Right to know
The right to know is a customer’s right to retrieve their personal data.
To help fulfill this request, you can make a data retrieval request for customer personal data contained within your Buy with Prime account by using the startPersonalDataRetrievalTask
mutation of the Buy with Prime Privacy interface.
Right to delete
The right to delete is a customer’s right to request deletion of their personal data.
To help fulfill this request, you can make a data deletion request for customer personal data contained within your Buy with Prime account by using the startPersonalDataDeletionTask
mutation of the Buy with Prime Privacy interface.
Data retrieval request
A data retrieval request is a request that you make on behalf of the customer to retrieve the customer's personal data contained within your Buy with Prime account.
For an example of how to create a data retrieval request, see Create a data retrieval request. For a list of steps, see Steps to process a data retrieval request.
Data deletion request
A data deletion request is a request that you make on behalf of the customer to delete the customer's personal data contained within your Buy with Prime account. When you make a data deletion request, you can specify a holding period before the data is deleted. You can cancel the data deletion request during the holding period, if necessary.
If there are any open Buy with Prime orders for the customer, the data deletion request will fail.
For an example of how to create a data retrieval request, see Create a data deletion request. For a list of steps, see Steps to process a data deletion request.
API operations
The Buy with Prime Privacy interface supports the following mutations, queries, and events.
Name | Description |
startPersonalDataDeletionTask | Starts a data deletion task. |
startPersonalDataRetrievalTask | Starts a data retrieval task. |
cancelPersonalDataDeletionTask | Cancels a data deletion task. |
Name | Description |
personalDataDeletionTask | Returns a data deletion task. |
personalDataRetrievalTask | Returns a data retrieval task. |
Event | When Event is Published |
PERSONAL_DATA_DELETION_TASK_COMPLETED | Represents that a data deletion request completed. |
PERSONAL_DATA_DELETION_TASK_FAILED | Represents that a data deletion request failed. You can use the personalDataDeletionTask query to find details about the errors. |
PERSONAL_DATA_RETRIEVAL_TASK_COMPLETED | Represents that a data retrieval request completed. You can use the personalDataRetrievalTask query to get a link at which you can download the data. |
PERSONAL_DATA_RETRIEVAL_TASK_FAILED | Represents that a data retrieval request failed. You can use the personalDataRetrievalTask query to find details about the errors. |
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Updated 1 day ago